The Living Voice Bible

“You must read it under your breath day and night,
in order that you might protect and perform all that is written in it”
Joshua 1:18

This version of the scriptures is free to download for personal use.

The “Living Voice” Bible contains the entire Bible canon together with a short précis on the book of Revelation. The spoken word has been marked throughout with the names of those who are speaking, giving the text a structured presentation to help the reader follow the flow of events. It has been fully cross-referenced for ease of useand includes a number of informative footnotes and a short glossary of terms.

The text does not attempt to be a Bible commentary, and the précis to Revelation provides only the overall timeline and setting for the prophecy.

To help readers, the “Living Voice” Bible has been further separated into smaller texts for different periods of the scriptures: the settling of the Promised Land, the era of the Chaldeans who forced Jerusalems downfall, the time of exile, and so on. Each is freely available below:

The entire “Living Voice” Bible (39Mb) contains the entire Bible canon together with a short précis on the book of Revelation.

Also available separately are:
Old Testament (27.8Mb)
Torah (7.3Mb) containing Genesis to Deuteronomy
Settling Canaan (3.2Mb) containing Joshua, Judges and Ruth
Hebrew Kings (7.2Mb) containing the histories of 1st and 2nd Samuel, Kings and Chronicles
The Era of the Chaldeans (7.6Mb) containing Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel
Exile and Return (2.7Mb) containing the last chapter of 2nd Chronicles, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther
Wisdom Books (5.8Mb) containing Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon
The Twelve (3.3Mb) containing the books of the twelve "lesser" prophets, from Hosea to Malachi

And the Christian Scriptures
New Testament and précis to Revelation (11.5Mb)
Gospels (6Mb)

The files present well in PDF readers and in standard browsers.

It is hoped that this new format will make the Bible easier to understand for those who seek the treasures in God’s Holy Scriptures.